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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/01/2011
Please ignore prior emailed agenda, sent in error.

Old Lyme Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting: Monday, 1 August 2011

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm on Monday, 1 August 2011 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

1. Approval of Minutes: 11 July 2011 (Special) and 11 July 2011 (Regular)               
Selectman Sibley moved to accept the minutes of 11 July 2011 (Special Meeting) and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.   
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to accept the minutes of 11 July 2011 (Regular Meeting) and Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.   

There was a discussion of the language used under 7. Old Business, third paragraph.  "The Selectmen agreed that the Town will pay for the electricity and maintain the lights, but that a future Board of Selectmen could decide differently."  It was decided that the language would remain as written.

        2.  Communications - NONE

3. Appointments
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to appoint Linda Clough to the Conservation Commission as an Alternate for a 1 year term, expiring in January 2012.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectman Sibley moved to appoint Daniel McFadden to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a 4 year term, expiring in January 2015.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to appoint Louis Russo to the Water Pollution Control Authority as an Alternate for a 4 year term, expiring in January 2012.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

4.  Old Business
a. Special Town Meeting 18 July

1. Municipal Services Agreement – CRRA
First Selectman Griswold reported that the Municipal Services Agreement with the Town and CRRA was approved at the Special Town Meeting.  It has since been executed and will take effect in November of 2012.

2. Election of Paul Fuchs to the Board of Education
First Selectman Griswold reported that Paul Fuchs was elected to serve on the Board of Education for the remainder of Alice Burbank's term, ending in November 2011.  

b. Duck River Culvert – Update
Work on repairs to the Duck River Culvert will begin next week.  This should be a two-week job and the road will not be closed.  The engineering firm will monitor the job.

c. Impound Parking at Former Christ the King Parking Lot, Sound View – Approved
First Selectman Griswold reported that the Zoning Commission had approved the request to use a portion of the Town owned parking lot at 290 Shore Rd., the former Christ the King Church parking lot in Sound View, as an impound lot to be used during the summer months.  So far it was working out well.  Selectman Sibley asked if a communication had gone out to the beach associations informing them of this and First Selectman Griswold said that it will go out soon.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that the purpose of having the impound lot closer to the beaches was not solely for the convenience of those who park illegally, but it will allow the tow trucks to remove violating automobiles more quickly as they would not have to drive to the other end of Town to deposit the vehicles.  It makes more sense that the impound lot be in close proximity to the Police Station.

d. Private Beach Associations – Meeting on Snow Plowing Policy
First Selectman Griswold reported that the meeting with the Beach representatives regarding the plowing of beach roads went well.  It was decided that not all roads will be plowed, due to physical restrictions of the roads.  Ed Adanti, Superintendent of Public Works, will meet with a representative of each beach association to review what roads will be plowed.  They also agreed at the meeting that, if there is a snowfall of 2 inches or less, the roads will not be plowed.  If cumulatively there are more than 2 inches of snow, a decision to plow would be made at that time.  This commitment is for fiscal year 2012 only.  A decision on snow plowing after FY 2012 will be made before fiscal year 2013 budget is drafted.

The Selectmen will invite the Beach Associations to a meeting on Saturday, 13 August 2011 at 8:30 am in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.  First Selectmen Griswold will contact the Beaches that have not returned their fact sheets.

5. New Business
a. Rowing Association Regatta and Open House – Hains Park – 13 August at Noon
First Selectman Griswold reported that on 13 August there will be a regatta and open house at Hains Park.  Sarah Kukich, a Girl Scout and rower from East Lyme, has planned this event in her pursuit of her Gold Award.  Races will begin at 9:00 am and at 11:00 am there will be an open house and a luncheon, which is free of charge.  At noon there will be a brief ceremony in honor of the race winners and at 1:00 pm the lake clean-up will begin.  The clean-up will be under the supervision of the Conservation Commission.  The Selectmen invited people to come out and participate in the day's events. They also thanked Sarah for her work on this project.  This information will be posted on the Town Website.

b. CIRMA Dividend Check
First Selectman Griswold reported that the Town had received a dividend check from CIRMA in the amount of $5,764.  Selectman Sibley favored the suggestion of Bruce A. Wollschlager, President of CIRMA, to use the money to fund a risk management initiative, make property improvements or support public programs and services.  The Selectmen will look to the Police Department and Town Employees for suggestions on ways to use this money.

6. Public Comment
Selectwoman Reemsnyder spoke for Shirley Grande.  Shirley wanted to give credit to Officers Martin Lane and Thomas Heinssen for doing a fantastic job in policing the beaches this summer.  

7. Other Business

The next Board of Selectmen's meeting will be held on Friday, 12 August at 8:00 am in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Town Hall.

First Selectman Griswold reported that Steve Ross, representing the Harbor Management Commission, will come to talk to the Board about the possibility of improvements to the land that is Town-owned by the former Bess Eaton, which leads down to Lieutenant River (former Bow Bridge site).  

First Selectman Griswold stated that he will invite the people who wrote to the Town about allowing dogs on the beaches to attend the Selectmen's meeting on 12 August.

Selectman Sibley thanked First Selectman Griswold for obtaining funding to help with additional hours of police protection at Miami Beach this summer.

Selectman Sibley reported that he had been in touch with Officer Heinssen who reported that the newly reinstated Police Boat has already responded to two calls on Long Island Sound.  First Selectman Griswold stated that he has spoken to Dick Smith of Rogers Lake and they will plan on some varying shifts using the Rogers Lake Patrol Boat on the lake.

Selectman Sibley reported that Dr. Hack's 19-year old son Austin Hack of Old Lyme, a member of the Lyme-Old Lyme High School~Class of 2010, rowed to a gold medal victory in the World Rowing Championship held last week in Amsterdam, Holland. Hack was a member of the~US Men's Eight in the Blue Riband Under 23 category.  Not only did his boat win but it also shattered the previous world record by seven seconds.

Selectman Sibley congratulated the organizers, participants and volunteers that made Caroline's Run such a success.  More than 350 people turned out Saturday morning for the second annual~5K Community Fitness Run and 1-mile Fun Run that was held to raise funds for Caroline's Miracle Foundation, which supports families dealing with the effects of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).  

The Selectmen thanked all those involved in the very successful Mid Summer Festival and stated that it was well attended.  

8.  Executive Session:  NONE

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting 8:10 am, and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted, ~

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary